Applying for a Maryland License
Becoming a MATA Member
Applying for a Maryland License
Members - Below are the important links you will need to complete your license application and evaluation and treatment protocol. You will need to submit both sets of forms and have them approved to practice as an athletic trainer in the state of Maryland.
The Maryland Board of Physicians Website for Athletic Trainers can be FOUND HERE.
All relevant information regarding licensure is located on this one handy page. You can find the below information:
A list of approved Evaluation and Treatment Protocols
Hot Topics Related to Athletic Trainers
Frequently Asked Questions
A link to download all important forms
A link to the Laws and Regulations governing the practice of Athletic Training in the State of Maryland
A link to the required Criminal History Records Checks
A list of required Fees
A link to the members of the Athletic Training Advisory Committee
If you need to contact the board directly about questions they can be contacted the following ways
Phone - 410-764-5973
Email -
Becoming a MATA Member
Attention Athletic Trainers – There are two routes to becoming an MATA member:
1. JOIN the National Athletic Trainers Association (NATA)
2. Join the state organization only by completing the MATA online application below
NATA Members
If you maintain your NATA membership AND your address of record is located in Maryland, a portion of your national membership dues is funneled down to the state level. This makes you a dues paying member of the state organization, Maryland Athletic Trainers' Association (MATA).
**If you currently work in the state of Maryland but your address of record with the NATA is in a different state, your dues money is funneled down to that state. This makes you a member of that state’s organization not Maryland. If you would also like to join the Maryland Athletic Trainers' Association (MATA), please follow the directions below to download the form, fill it out and submit it. You will be asked to submit MATA dues separately.
Join State Membership Only / Non-NATA Members
For those who no longer pay NATA dues but would like to join or retain Maryland Athletic Trainers' Association (MATA) membership, please submit the online application below and indicate that you are not a NATA member. Once you have submitted this form, you will be asked to submit payment to the MATA for membership. Once payment is received, you will be granted access to the MATA List Serv, the MATA website, and receive legislative and news updates from Executive Council.
Submit the application online