Cara Thomas, MS, LAT, ATC
Mission Statement:
The ICSM/College Committee serves as a liaison between the executive council and the colleges/universities. This committee responsible for promulgating and disseminating pertinent information to the membership from the various universities and colleges throughout the state of Maryland.
Vision Statement
The MATA values and recognizes the hard work of all the Collegiate & University Athletic Trainers in the state of Maryland. Our goal is to create a connection to you all & provide assistance & guidance when needed.
Contact Us!
Please reach out at any time! We love to hear from you about any ideas you may have to continue supporting the MATA ICSM.
MATA ICSM Committee Chair:
Cara Thomas, MS, LAT, ATC
Here is some listening, and reading recommendations the ICSM Committee thought you all might find interesting
Websites/Other Resources: